welcome! this site is now ready, you can get information about my plans and dreams in and about brazil. have fun, silvie----------------------------------PS:PLEASE NOTE THAT most PICTURES CAN ONLY BE FOUND ON THE GERMAN PAGE!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Greetings from São Paulo!

Have arrived here safelz (with 12 hours delay J) and have already experienced so much and been so busy that it took me forever to finally sit down and write you this mail!

Right now we have about 30 teenagers over from Europe and the states, that are doing internships at the project for anywhere between 2 and 4 weeks.

In our first week we have shown everybody around and they took part in the daily activities. For instance we made about 100 sandwiches and brouhgt them and some juice to people who are living underneath highway bridges. Some of the people have made wholes in the bridge and they climb up there with a rope and sleep in there. It is unbelievable!

I was extremely moved by how grateful EVERYBODY was, when we came with the juice and sandwiches. The day we went there it was one guy´s birthday, so we sang happy birthday to him and prayed for him for God to bless him. He and one of his friends were so moved, they had a hard time not to cry. We told him that it was not by chance that we had come that particular day and that God really wants to bless his lie.

On another day we went and visited empty buildings, that had been invaded, for instance a former school house that had burnt down. People have built small shelters in there and about 70 families live there! We had again brought Sandwiches and juice and had a small church service.

In the second week we all went away for a camp with the teenagers from Europe and US, togehter with a lot of street kids and some of the families that live in the invaded school house. The teenagers had to pay something for their internship in Brazil and that also helped cover the costs for the street people to come to the camp. It was absoluetly AMAZINGZ!!

The camp took place on a large hacienda, in the middle of nature, very beautiful landscape. They had horses there and the kids were able to ride horses every afternoon, they have a swimming pool, a main house with the kitchen, dining room, a game room with pool and soccer tables, and then several dorms. It was SO beautiful there!

One afternoon, Demetri (Founder of New Chance International) has filmed and interviewed some of the kids. He asked them, what they had liked best about the camp so far. One kid said, that he was able to eat 5 times a day, the other said that he so much enjoyed being able to go to a soft bed every night (one of us had just complained about how hard the beds were...) Another kid said, he liked how fresh the air was and all the beautiful nature, and one kid said, he liked that here there was no violence.

It was just so amazing to see the kids goof around in the swimming pool and to know how their normal life looks so much different. It broke my heart to think that actually every kid should be able to grow up like that, like the kind of life we lived during the camp, without violence, with loving people around them, enough food, a soft bed and a roof over their heads.
The german, swiss, british and american teenagers didn´t know much Portuguese, but we were all sharing rooms with the street kids and families and we decided that every teenager should ´pick´ one or two children or adults as their special friends during the camp. And then there was a competition on which friend would teach the foreign teenagers the best Portuguese J It was EXTREMELY funny....

We shared the room with 3 girls, sisters, that are 10 kids at home, and NCI had just finished building a house for them. Their oldest brother Michel had been living on the streets for about 6 or 7 years, because their home had been so horribel. NCI had met him a couple of years ago already, but when they went to his house for the first time, they understood why he had left to live on the streets and decided to builde them a hous. In the meantime, they all live hat home again, isn´t that just GREAT??

The 3 sisters usually slept all coverd up under some blankets, as street people usually do. On the last night, when I came into our room, I was so moved. We had had a childrens party in the afternoon, where the staff had disguised as all sorts of figures like Snowwhite, Clowns and so on. And we had face painted most of the kids. When I cam into our room I was so moved that I almost cried, the youngest one lay in bed, fast asleep with such a happy and calm expression on her face, both arms stretched out, and some of the paint was still in her face. I can only say that to live such a moment was worth coming to Brazil a million times!

It is just so incredible to see what a difference love and friendship can do in people´s lives in just a few days. The most amazing change happened in the lives of the people that had given their lives to Jesus during the camp.

For example Elisangela. She is 20 years jung, has already 3 kids and is pregnant with the 4th one. In the beginning, to be honest, I didn´t even like her so much... She was quite negative and yelling at her kids. She was really touched by the services we had and she cried a lot. And then she said that she wanted to turn her life over into Gods hands!

But later, when I was translating for her and her friend, she had quite a funny attitude, negative again, and said that this time at the camp and the services were great and all, but when she would go back to the streets, as well as everybody else, they would go back to the same life as before. Her friends name is Vicky, she´s from Germany. Vicky tried to explain to her that God was in her life and that he cared and that he would like to make a difference in her life, if she let him. But she kept being negative and said that she had been to many churches, but all of them are prejudiced against street people and do nothing to help. (Unfortunately this seems to be true here.) Vicky couldn´t acceppt this, and she was so moved and she cried real hard and asked her to at least give it a try and have God do a miracle in her life. But Elisangelas attitude was weird, it seemed like she didn´t want to give it a try anymore.

On the last night we had another beautiful service outdoors by a campfire. And at the beginning Elisangela stood up in front of everybody and said, that she wanted to thank one person here: Vicky. She told us how she had come to the camp with a pretty much resigend attitude, thinking that at the most she might have some fun. She didn´t think her life made any sense, she had been trying to kill herself before, she didn´t like her kids or the baby she was expecting. She also lives in this former school house, and the police wants to kick everybody out of there (this will be tomorrow, Tuesday!).

But then she had come to the camp and met everyone, including people that had come all the way from foreign countries and had made so much effort, especially Vicky. She had at first thought, that people´s caring was fake, but she was so moved that some people even cried for her, and through Vickys tears she had become aware that the people here really cared about their lives. She thanked all of us for having made this camp possible and for coming all the way from other countries in order to encourage them and tell them that God loves them and that he is NOT indifferent about their lives. She said she had been touched and changed by that and that she had new courage and hope that her life will change for the good.

I simply don´t have words to descriebe what is happening here! The interesting thing was, after these 5 days at camp I all of a sudden really liked Elisangela, she had changed so much, even the negative expression on her face had disappeard and she was more radiant than ever!

Yesterday we had gone back to the invaded school house, and it was great to se a lot of the kids and adults again. Elisangela told mit that other people from the house had already asked her, what had happened to here, because she had become so different in a positive way. They had been wondering why she did not start to fight with other people in the kitchen (they have one kitchen for the whole house), and why she was not yelling at her kids anymore!!

Unfortunately the police will clear the house tomorrow and kick everybody out. It is absolute madness, like that, another 72 families will be back on the streets again. The city just doesn´t take sensible decisions sometimes, they do not have enough social appartments that were built for the poor – and that often times the wrong people are getting... It just doesn´t make ANY sense.

The people that live in the school did thank us though for coming, but some of the accused us of not doing anything against this whole situation. They said it was not enough for us to tell them God was able to make a difference in their lives and help them, but why WE would not be there for them on Tuesday morning. Which is right. But we had told them that all the teenagers were going to the beach from Monday through Wednesday, and we were not able to change all plans just like that. It left a lot of us really sad.

But this morning, when we wanted to get on the bus, somebody told us we had to wait for Damaris (Demetri´s wife), because there might be a change in the programme. We had to wait almost one hour. When she came, she and some brasilian staff of NCI had just come back from a meeting with the ´bosses´ of the invaded school. She told us, that we would not got to the beach, but stay here and go to the school tomorrow morning at 4,30 am in order to be with the people and support them so we would not only speak nice words to them, but stand up for them and do something. I am so happy about this!

The police will shut off the streets at about 5am an will not let anybody in. Our presence will help in several ways. Some journalists will be there for newspapers and TV. So we will write posters, letting people know which countries we are from and that we don´t agree with what is going on here. The other thing is that as soon as many foreigners are there, the police will think twice about beeing violent, the brazilian police is VERY different here, they are corrupt, and corruption does not stop with the politicians, government, courts and judges... So whenever foreigners are there, they are more precautious because it might be reported abroad.

Unfortunately they would not care about the children, they would beat anyone. NCI had offered the bosses at the school that all the kids go to the project tonight and stay there until tomorrow so they would be safer. But they didn´t want it, they want the newspapers and TV to see, that there are also kids involved, which will cause more awareness for their problems in the public.

The ones of you that would like to: please pray for this city and for a miracle to happen, so the people are not getting kicked out of this school!

I didn´t think that this letter would get so long, but thank you for reading it to the end. Now you know a little bit more about what we are doing here and what is happening in Sao Paulo.

I am doing very well, and it is a privilege to me to be able to live all this! Please understand that especially in July and August it is a bit difficult for me to get to the internet cafe in order to reply to all your messages. There are so many activities going on right now, espeacially with the teenagers that we have over here.

For the ones that I gave the phone number to, sorry, it doesn´t work, it had to be changed for security reasosn.

I will try to write to you soon and let you know what happend to the people at the school. Sending you lots of love and take good care of yourselves, ok?



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